Skywatch Wind Anemo-Thermometer

The Skywatch® Wind measures wind speed, air temperature and wind chill rapidly and accurately.

1 120,00 kr
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The Skywatch® Wind measures wind speed, air temperature and wind chill rapidly and accurately.

Small enough to bring anywhere, and insensitive to dust and shock with a user-replaceable propeller, the Wind anemo-thermometer is designed and manufactured in Switzerland.

The Skywatch Wind is available in either Turquoise or Swiss Flag (collector’s edition).

Wind measurement

  • Units of measurement:km/h, mph, m/s, fps, knots and bft
  • Resolution: to the tenth decimal place up to 99.9, then to the unit
  • Precision: ± 3% FS
  • Range of measurement: from 3 to 185 km/h

Temperature measurement

  • Units of measurement: °C and °F
  • Resolution: to one-tenth of a degree
  • Measurement cycle: one measurement every 0.5 seconds
  • Precision: ± 0.3°C at 20°C / ± 0.5°C from -30 at +70°C
  • Range of measurement: from -30°C to +70°C
1 Produkt

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